David Waldron

Fatal injury rate by occupation

On-the-job fatalities have a variety of causes. Here are the top occupations for each cause of death.

David Waldron Aug 2, 2017

This data is from the Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries. The charts below show the ten occupations with the highest fatal injury rates for each cause of fatal injury.

America's Deadliest Jobs

Jobs with highest fatal injury rate by type of event or exposure
All Fatalities
Contact with Objects and Equipment
Transportation Incidents
Drowning, Submersion
Falls, Slips, Trips
Exposure to Electricity
Fires and Explosions
Shooting by Another Person - Intentional
Data sources: Fatal injuries data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries (2011-2015). Employment from Bureau of Labor Statistics, National Employment Matrix (2014)


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